The picture lady spent all day doing lame stuff like laundry and packing Leah's diaper bag so she could be ready to go back to work tomorrow. Here are some pictures of Leah and me looking really bored. Leah hates boredom. She says she needs others to stimulate her mind all day. Me, I just take in the environment around me and have fun by myself. Today I scooted all the way over to the fireplace and then to the window by the dining room.
It looks like your doing your own style of penguin bowling H. Doesn't seem like regulation to me. Perhaps you can start your own non-conformist league.
Leah doesn't look BORED, exactly, I'm not sure what it is.
Did you scoot on your bum or your tummy?
Maybe Leah is upset because she is not mobile and she is jealous of your mobility, maybe you shouldn't rub it her face and offer her some toys.
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