I need to file a grievance but I can't find the HR department in this house. I thought when she said she would work from home it meant SHE would work from home. All day all she has done is turn me into her slave. I mean, what's a spreadsheet anyhow. I never use Deltek. I'm more familiar with Peachtree but she will have none of that.
Plus, Leah refuses to work just because she can't hold a stinking pen in her hand. I think someone is playing favorites.
Seriously, why do you send me here? Are you not hearing me. I know for a fact that I'm not legally allowed to work past 7:00pm since I'm under 16 years of age so you better be here by then.
PS. I did play tag with the cat today. I managed to almost keep up with her. I think she was going a little slow though. I only had 15 minutes to do it since you have to work a full 8 hours to get an hour lunch.
I'm laughing so hard I'm almost crying. It looks like you're really good with spreadsheets - you're not even eating them! Keep up the good work, and as long as you bring home a paycheck, we'll make sure you have all the comforts you need.
I seriously am laughing out loud. He could be that baby on that commercial that is working on the computer.
I love T-Days!
Get used to it H. It only gets worse from here. My parents started us working when we were that young too, only it was mainly dishes and the like. They told us they had us to do all their work. I think it backfired on them though, because we were lousy help.
He didn't eat any spreadsheets. He did however eat a trial balance, an income statement and a transaction posting log for a journal entry. A born accountant I tell you.
He didn't eat any spreadsheets. He did however eat a trial balance, an income statement and a transaction posting log for a journal entry. A born accountant I tell you.
Dear Readers,
The picture lady has a migraine today and her husband had to come home to watch her and the kids, so no post today.
The Picture Lady's Bossy Older Sister
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